Friday, March 15, 2013

To This Day

We've been looking closely at cause-and-effect relationships.  We started with some fast facts on the Titanic, 9/11, and getting good grades.  From there, we watched this beautiful spoken word poetry video by Shane Koyczan and created a circle map of what we felt were some of the most powerful parts of the video.

Please bring your fast facts and circle map to class on Monday as we continue our hunt.


  1. When your late to Mr. Rouch's Class i miss everything that goes on in class .When i miss eveything i have to make it up. When i have to make everything up i have to do it as homework and it sucks . When i do it as homework i have to turn it in the next day . When i have to turn it in the next day i get points . When i get points i get happy .

    - House Scirocco
    A.O (:

  2. when your late to mr. Rouch's class you get detention when you get detention you meet bad people when you meet bad people you join a gang when you join a gang you get arrested and when you get arrested you get a face tattoo dont be late to mr. rouch's class
