Friday, March 1, 2013

Paperman Narrative

Take a look at Disney's Academy Award-winning animated short Paperman.  We'll be outlining a first-person narrative -- told from the paper's point of view.


  1. Dear Mr.Rouch i found a really nice video on facebook that i really liked and thought maybe you would want to show it to the class for the students can uderstand what the vido is about by the way the video is calld to this day by Shane Koyczan by the way im in your 3rd peiod class i hope you see the video and that you have liked it

    1. Killer video! I'd love to use it in a lesson. Thanks for sharing!

  2. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you get a detention and when you get a detention you get scared and when you get scared you don't go to detention and when you don't go to detention you get a two hour detention and when you get a two hour detention you get grounded at home and when you get grounded at home you don't get to play video games and when you don't get to play video games you get bored and when you get bored you sneak out of your house and when you sneak out of your house you get hurt and when you get hurt you go to the hospital. So dont be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

    1. Luis Carrillo

    2. When you don't pay your bills you will loose your house. If you loose your house then you live on the streets. If you live on the streets you will need to beg for money. If you beg for money then you will get arrested. If you get arrested then you will be in a cell with a crazy person in it. If you're in a cell with a crazy person then you also will go crazy.

      Thomas D. (Scirocco)

      If your late to Mr. Rouch's class then you will get lunch detention. When you get lunch detention you get bored. When you get bored you decide to draw. When you decide to draw you get in bigger trouble. When you get in bigger trouble you need to write an essay on why you decided to draw. When you start writing the essay you stop and draw more. When you draw more you get off school detention. When you get off school detention you skip school. When you skip school you become a thug and grow up as a criminal.
