Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Sell Your Hair to a Wig Shop

You've probably seen these DirecTV commercials before, but you might not have noticed the cause-and-effect relationships inside of them:

Your task:

  • Post a blog entry in the comments section in which you create your own cause-and-effect sequence
    • Your sequence should begin with "When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class"
    • Your sequence should end with "Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class"
    • Your sequence must have at least 6 causes and 6 effects
    • Make sure to include your first name, last initial, and house at the end of your post!


  1. when your late to Mr. Rouch you get a cookie when u get a cookie you want more when u want more there isn't any more when there isn't any more you get mad when you get mad you turn to hulk... don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class

    (Kevin Joya) Tramontane

    1. when your late to Mr. Rouch he gets mad and he gets mad he doesnt let you watch a video and when he doesn't let you watch a video you get mad

    2. when your late to mr. rouchs class, he gets mad
      when he gets mad, he gives you bad grades
      when he gives you bad grades you cant go to collage
      when you dont go to collage you become a hobo
      when you become a hobo people throw stuff at you
      when people throw stuff at you you go to the hospital
      (Juana Sotomayor) PONENTE

    3. when your late to Mr.Rouch he gives u a chance,when he gives u a chance he screams at you,when he screams at you he gives u a cookie aha, when he gives u a cookie you get a 2 hour detention ,when u get a 2 hour detention u turn to hulk .... dont be late to Mr,Rouch class ;D
      Diego Anaya [sirocco]

    4. when your late to mr.rauch class he seems not to care but then he takes your tardy slip or just go in and sit whith no one noticing thoe everybody stares O.o

    5. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class he will get mad and wave a red marker at you. When he gets mad and waves a red marker at you it will fly out of his hands and hit the person behind you. When the marker hits the person behind you he will get knocked out. When he gets knocked you will stand over him and when he wakes up you will yell, " You got knocked the heck out." when you yell" you got knocked the heck out" Mr. Rouch will look at you and tell you that it was all your falt. When he tells you that it was all your falt you will deny him and he will send you outside. When he sends you outside you will get depressed and run away. When you get depressed and run away you parents will search for you for 26.567 years and never find you. Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class.
      Peiton Armstrong [ ponente ]

    6. when your late to MR.Rouchs class you wont hit the bag.if you don't hit the bag.you don't get your anger out.when you don't get your anger out.you distract the class. when you distract the class you get introuble.

  2. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class , you don't learn anything
    When you don't learn anything , you'll fail a test
    When you fail a test ,you get bad grades
    When you get bad grades ,you'll fail seventh grade
    When you fail seventh grade ,you wont graduate
    When you don't graduate ,you wont go to college
    Don't be late to Mr.Rouch's Class
    -Janiemar Brown (Ostro)

    1. When you're late to Mr. Rouch class he gets mad,when Mr.Rouch gets mad he doesn't teach good, when he doesn't teach good you don't learn, when you don't learn well you don't get it and you fail the test when you fail the test you don't get good grades, when you get bad grades you don't get awards, when you don't get awards your parents get mad, when your parents get mad they take all your most greatest possessions,
      (Nancy Gutierrez)ponente

  3. When Your Late To Mr.Rouch's Class The Door Is closed and Its Freezing Outside Soo You Then Get A Cold And Have To Go To The Office,You Then Get In trouble For being Late & When You Get In Trouble You Have A Bad Day. Pedro Carra (Ponente)


    1. When you're late to Mr.Rouchs class you have detention and when you have detention you get bored and when you get bored you fall asleep and when you fall asleep a fire happens and when a fire happens your hair catches on fire and you run around screaming and look for the fire extinguisher so don't be late for Mr.Rouchs class


  5. When you're late to Mr. Rouch class he gives you a warning. When he gives you a warning you think he will just keep giving you warnings and your late again he will give you a detention. Then if you don't show up to you will get another detention. You don't show you then you will get suspended. If you get suspended it will go on your record. When it goes on your record you wont get into a good college

    Dennis Alvarez

  6. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you go to detention,when you go to detention you'll be grounded by you parents ,when you get grounded by your parents you miss your favorite tv show,when you miss your favorite tv show you go on a rampage,when you go on a rampage you go to jail,don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

  7. if your late to Mr.Rouch's class you get a detention and when you get detention you get grounded and when you get grounded you dont get to go out ;)

    NUVIA OSUNA ^0^ (Sirocco)

  8. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class the boy i like calls me a loaner. When he calls me a loaner i want to eat cheese cake.When i eat cheese cake i get fat. When i get fat i order insanity. When insanity kills me of tireness i get good looking looking like kim kardashian.When i look like kim she gets jeulous. So never be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

    1. America Rivera
      House Ostro (;

    2. When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class you got in trouble. When you got in trouble you want to ditch school. When you ditch school you got in a fight. When you got in a fight you end up in a coma. When you end in a coma your best friend kiss your girlfriend. When your best friend kiss your girlfriend you end up killing your best friend. Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class

      Justin Chanthabandith


  9. House Ostro ^

    A.R (:

  10. if your late to mister rouch's you go to the office if you go to the office you get kicked out of school if you get kicked out of school your parent's dont want you in their house if they dont want you in their house you live in the street's if you live in the street's you get all dirty so don't be late to mister rouch's class

    cris lopez tromantane

  11. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class he screams at you
    when he screams at you he gets mad
    when he gets mad he checks on you the whole class
    when he checks on you the whole class you can't have fun wit tha homies when you can't have fun you get bored
    when you get bored you don't like his class anymore
    when you don't like his class anymore you don't wanna come to schooool ;p -ADRIAN GARCIA! ;]

  12. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class Mrs.Pink offers you to change your classes,when she offers you to change your classes, mr rouch gets mad,when mr rouch gets mad,he throws cupcakes on the floor,when he throws cupcakes on the floor , chloe eats , when chloe eats them,shannon yells at her to stop,when shannon yells at her to stop , chloe runs down to the playground, when chloe runs down the playground , mr rouch comes from no where and sends her to the office, Dont be late to mr rouch's class.

    Valerie Aguilar (Scirocco)

    1. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class he will make you go sit in the hall, when you go sit in the hall it gives you time to think about going to the beach, when you think about going to the beach, you start to daydream and you run outside, when you run outside Mr. Rouch will chase after you, when Mr. Rouch runs after you he will get tired and eventually stop, when he eventually stops he will get worried and call the cops when he calls the cops you will already be at the beach, when you are already at the beach no one will ever find you, when on one finds you, you get lonely and go back to school, when you go back to school Mr. Rouch will find you and give you a detention for running away from school and getting him worried.
      Salma Reyes (Ponente)

  13. When your late to Mr.Rouch class then you get sent Mr.Barksdale ,and when you get sent to Mr.Barksdale you get OCS and when you get OCS you go to the library for the whole day and when you stay there the whole day and your parents know then you get grownded then get your Ipod taken away for the whole week and you try to steal another on then you get arrested for six years in prison

    [Emily Rios] [Ostro] [Rouch1]

  14. If you are late to Mr. Rouch's class you will get a detention, If you get a detention you get in trouble, When you get in trouble you wanna hurt people, When you wanna hurt people you go to jail, when you go to jail you get a phsycotic cell mate, dont go Mr. Rouch's class late.

    by; Noah Maldonado
    house: Ostro

  15. when your late to r. Rouch's class you get in trouble, when you get in trouble Mr. Rouch sends you to the office, when you get send to the office you get detention by Mr.Barksdale, when you get detention you get grounded, when you get grounded you cannot go outside, when you can't go outside you can't get fresh air, when you can't get fresh air you start sweating.

    Ramon Guillen (Ostro)

  16. When your late to Mr.Rouch's Class, people look at you weird
    when people look at you weird, you get embarrassed
    When you get embarrassed, you turn into a ugly monster
    When you turn into an ugly monster, you destroy the town of Menifee
    When you destroy the town of Menifee, the SWAT team comes
    When the SWAT team comes, everyone has to evacuate
    When everyone evacuates, the SWAT team catches you
    When the SWAT team catches you, you get taken to Alcatraz
    When you get taken to Alcatraz,everyone cheers
    When everyone cheers, you cry because you realized that no one really liked you
    When you realize that no one really liked you, you go on a crazy rampage and turn the city of San Francisco upside down
    Don't be late to Mr.Rouch's Class
    Katelyn Thomas (Ponente)

    1. hulk will beat you up

      (kevin joya) tramontane

  17. If your late to Mr. Rouch's class I get a 2 hour detention and when you get a 2 hour detention you get in trouble at home and when you get in trouble at home you end up getting hit by your parents and when you get hit by your parents your grounded and when your grounded you cant go party SO DON'T BE LATE TO MR. ROUCH'S CLASS
    Paola Hernandez Tromontane

  18. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class , you don't learn anything
    When you don't learn you get in trouble
    When you get in trouble you go to the office
    When you go to the office you get a phone call home
    When you get a phone call home your parents are mad
    When your parents are mad you get your phone taking away
    Don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class.
    Savolis Hampton (scirocco)

  19. When your late to Mr. Rouch's Class i miss everything that goes on in class .When i miss everything i have to make it up. When i have to make everything up i have to do it as homework and it sucks . When i do it as homework i have to turn it in the next day . When i have to turn it in the next day i get points . When i get points i get happy .
    That's why never be late to Mr. Rouch's Class ;p

    - House Scirocco
    Araceli c;

    1. The end didn't make sense aha

      -House Scirocco
      Oscar Gonzalez

  20. "when you're late to Mr.Rouch's class"
    "Mr.Rouch gets mad"
    "when he gets mad he leaves school to jump off a bridge with A.M."
    "when they jump off the bridge the world is happier"
    "when the world gets happy they celebrate"
    "when the world celebrates the world is at peace"
    "so be late to Mr.Rouchs class"

  21. when you are late to Mr. Rouch's class you get a cupcake, when you get a cupcake you eat it, when you eat you finish it, when you finish it you get mad, when you get mad you destroy your class, when you destroy your class you turn into a villain, when you turn into a villain you destroy the world, when you destroy the world you turn into Kim Kardashian... don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class.

    Cindy Sanchez scirocco ;}

    1. when you're late to Mr. Rouch's class, people stare at you, when people stare at you, you get paranoid, when you get paranoid, you get insane, when you get insane you kill somebody and when that happen you go to jail and then kill yourself.


      Emi Quinones

  22. when your late to Mr. Rouch's class you get a two hour detention then you spend your free time in a stupid room so don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class by Chris alonso

  23. when you are late to Mr.Rouch's class,you rage,when you rage,you wake up godzilla,when you wake up godzilla he will destroy the world, when he destory the world there will be no TV, when there is no TV you Rage, when you rage the entire thing starts over, dont rage and make the cycle start over

    Jess m.

    1. Wow Jess really Godzilla

  24. When you go to school late, you get one tardy
    When you get one tardy, you'll start to worry
    When you start to worry, you're thinking to kill yourself
    When you're thinking to kill yourself, your parents send you to therapy
    When you get send to therapy, everybody from school will start making fun of you
    When everybody from school starts makes fun of you, you'll commit suicide
    Don't be late to school.

    1. Um thats kinda sad dude
      Megan Alexander (TRAMONTANE)

    2. Why would you say something like that!?!?! Is everything okay at home dude? :) ^-^

  25. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class you get in trouble,when you get in trouble you get sent to the office,when you get sent to the office you get a two-hour detention,when you get a two-hour detention you call home,when you call home you get hit with the chancla or the tree branch,when you get hit with either you get mad,when you get mad you turn into scrooge,when you turn into scrooge you hate everyone,so don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

    Francisco R. (Ponente)

  26. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class you make Mr. Rouch's head explode
    when his head explodes you get a referal
    when you get a referal cops come to pick you up
    when cops come to pick you go to jail
    when you go to jail you try to escape
    when you try to escape they cath you and you stay in jail forever
    Don't be late to Mr.Rouch class
    Issac Mora

  27. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class you get a two hour detention,when you get a two hour you get mad,and when you get mad you start grabbing chairs' and throwing it to people,and when you throw chairs',you get expelled when you get expelled you get sad,when you get sad,you stay home and never come back to school.

    Josue H.

  28. When you are late to Mr.Rouchs class everyone staris at you then he doesn't do nothing he just takes your tardy slip .When you get your tardy slip you sit down. When you sit down he expects you to know what are you doing. And thats the end of it
    ivett botello;]

  29. When your late to mr.rouchs class he gives you a cupcake and the cupcake gas a bomb. when you eat the cupcake like in 3 hours you will have explosive bladder problems so dont be late


  31. when you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you get money, when you get money you spend it on clothes, when you spend it on clothes you get mad,when you get mad you turn in to an angry woman, when you turn in to an angry woman you destroy the mall,when you destroy the mall you cry,when you cry you get depressed when you get depressed you die,don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class


  32. When you are late to mr Rouch,you go to the office when you are at the office you get a two hour detencion,when you dont go to the two hour you get ocs when u go to ocs you are depressed

    Roberto lopez (ostro)

  33. When your late to mr. rouch's class,you get in trouble when you get in trouble you get sad, when you get sad you cry,when you cry u get depressed,when you get depressed you get mad at everyone, when you get mad at everyone you wont have that much friends so dont be late to mr. rouch's class
    Victoria N. (ostro)

  34. when you don't turn in your work, your grade goes down, when your grades goes down, you fail the class.

  35. WHEN YOU ARE late TO MR.Rouchs CLASS you get in trouble when you get in trouble you go to the office when you go to the office you get 2hr when you get to 2hr you get mad when you mad you cry
    Julissa serrato

  36. when your absent sooo many times , you get saturday school
    when u go to saturday school its super boring .....until break

    julissa salazar [ house tramontane ]

  37. "When your late to Mr. Rouch's class, " you get sent to the office , when you get sent to the office you get a 2 hour detention, when you get a 2 hour detention your mom gives you pow, pow when your mom gives you pow, pow you get sad and mad, when you get mad and sad you punch the teacher , when you punch the teacher you get expelled. :(


    Ismael Alcaraz (ostro) :)

  38. when you late to Mr.Rouch's class
    you get sent to the office
    when you get sent to the office
    you get lunch detention
    if get lunch detention and
    dont go to detention
    you call you parents
    when you call you parents
    you get in trouble
    when you get in trouble
    therefore dont be late

    Rachell G. tramontane

  39. when you are late to Mr.Rouch class you go to the office then have to call home after you call you get in trouble then you tried run then you end up in streets don't be late to Mr.Rouch class

  40. When you are late to MR.Rouch class he sends you to the office when you get sent to the office you go to the principles office when you go to the principles office he makes you call your parents when you call your parent when you call your parents they get mad when they get mad they give you a warning next time don't be late next time don't be late to MR.Rouch's class.

  41. when your late to Mr. Rouch's class you'll get a two hour detention
    and when you get a two hour detention you go to the principal's office
    and when you go to the principal's office you'll get OCS
    when you go to OCS you'll get expelled
    when you get expelled you'll get expulsion your mom will scream and ground you till you die

  42. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you have to go to the office and if you dont go you get a to hour detention and if you don't to your detention you get suspended.

  43. when you are late to MR.Rouch class u go to the office.when u go to the office you get a two hour dention.after the two hour dention u get ocs .after ocs u get expelled .after u get expelled u cant go back to the school. by samuel sarmiento


  45. when you are late to mr.rouchs class he gives you a detention when you get you detention you turn into hulk when you think you can go against the army and you end up losing Fernando Gallegos , TROMONTANE ; ]


  47. When u r late to MR. Rouch class he gets mad
    When he gets mad, he shouts at you
    When he shouts at you, you get scared
    When you get scared, you run away
    When you run away, you get ran over
    When you get ran over, you go to a funeral
    When you're in a funeral, your parents cry

  48. if are late to Mr.Rouch class, you look out the door, if you look out the door you see people playing, if you see people playing and go outside, if you go outside you get cought ,if you get cought you get detention, so dont be late to mr rouch class

    yasmin centeno (tromantane)

  49. if i cheat on a test. i get busted. when i get busted. i get grounded. when i get grounded. i cant play with my friends. when i cant play with my friends. i get bored. when i get bored. i get lazy. when i get lazy. i have to do chores. when i do enough chores. i get un-grounded

    1. this was siracco

    2. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class.
      You get in trouble.
      When I get in trouble.
      I get in more trouble.
      When i get in more trouble I get my things taken from me.
      When I get my things taken from me.
      I become sad.
      When i become sad.
      I get over it.
      Don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class.
      You won't be in trouble and become sad.

      Nathan B Ponente

  50. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's classroom he gets mad
    When he gets mad, he sings
    When he sings, he brakes your ears
    When he brakes your ears, he jumps out of the classroom
    When he jumps out of the classroom, he goes home
    When he goes home, he watches his favorite movie "Twilight"
    Don't watch Twilight when you go home, upgrade to Direct TV and watch any show you like because when you can watch whatever shows you want, you are very happy

  51. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class, he scolds you for your wrong doing
    When he scolds you for being late, you get scared
    When you get scared, you run away
    When you run away, you trip and fall
    When you trip and fall, you hurt yourself
    When you hurt yourslef, you go to the hospital
    When you go to the hospital, you get put in a comma
    When you get put in a comma, your best friend visits you in the comma
    When your friend visits you in the comma, you live
    When you live, your life is screwed up because of the comma
    When you life is screwed up, you lose everything
    When you lose everything, you wanna kill yourself
    So, if you every want this to happen over again.....
    Hannah Marie Medrano (PONENTE)
    ^-^ That waas AMAZING!!!!

  52. When you miss one question to get 100%,you rethink why and what question you missed
    When you rethink why and what question you missed,you think to hard
    When you think to hard,you break your brain
    When you break you brain,you cant think why you broke it
    When you cant think why you broke it you stare at the wall
    When you stare at the wall,There is a paper that says,"retesting today!"

  53. When your late to Mr. Rouch class he gets mad
    When he gets mad, he turns into a vampire
    When he turn into a vampire, you run into the dark
    When you run in the dark, he sucks your blood
    When he sucks your blood, you turn into a vampire
    When you turn into a vampire, you die because of the sun
    When you die, you have a funeral
    When you have a funeral you die and don't wake up.
    So don't be late to Mr. Rouch class or this can happen to you.

  54. When your late to Mr.Rouchs class you fall to your knees and start yelling WHY,and when you do that people that you are clumsy and when they think your clumsy,they push you down the stairs and when they push you down the stairs they get a two hour detention and you get a trip to the hospital and when you go to the hospital,your parents will ask you what happened and when you tell them what happened they get mad at the kids parents and then they will get in a fight to the death
    Megan Alexander (TRAMONTANE)

  55. When you are late to Mr. Rouch class he turns in to the hulk.
    When he turns in to the hulk he tries to destroy the city.
    When he tries to destroy the army has to try to stop him.
    When the army tries to stop him they try to shoot him down.
    When they do that he turns back to normal.
    When he turns back to normal he has to stay in cell till he calms down.
    So don't be late to Mr.Rouch class.

  56. when you come in late to mr. rouch class you get detention when you get detention you get set on fire when you get set on fire you go to the hospital when you go to the hospital you pay a lot of money.


  57. if your early to mr.rouch class then you get a reward.when you get reward people get jealos.when people get jealos they want to tacke it from you.dont be early to mr. rouch class.

    if your late to mr.rouch you get a detion.when you get a detion you get more homework.when you get more homework you tack forever.when you tacke forever you get bored when you get get a punishment.

  58. When tour late to Mr. Rouch's class You get marked tardy
    When you get marked tardy You get in trouble
    When you get in trouble You go to Mr. B's office
    When you go to Mr. B's office He calls your parents
    When he calls your parents You get grounded
    When you get grounded You don't do anything

  59. When are late to mr.rouch's class you miss stuff. When you miss stuff you don't know how to do it . When you don't know how to do stuff you fall behind. When you fall behind your grade gets lower. When your grade gets lower you get grounded.

    by j.p.(ponente)

  60. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class, you get yelled at. When you get yelled at, you stop listening. When you stop listening, you miss instructions. When you miss instructions, you don't know how to do your homework. When you don't know how to do your homework, you get a F. When you get a F, you get grounded. Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class. So buy my transportation.
    Elijah Wilkinson (Ponente)

    1. I LOVE YOUR COMMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. When your late to Mr.Rouch class you get in trouble
    than you cry and you wanna go home than you talk to conseulors and than you are depressed for life

    by: A.P (tramontane)

  62. If your late to Mr.Rouch's class, he turns into a leprechaun. When he turns into a leprechaun, he is sued by Kelloggs for copying the Lucky Charms character. When Kelloggs sues him for copying the Lucky Charms character, he loses all of his money for hiring Ty Octavious as his Lawyer. When he loses all of his money, he tries to rob a bank. When he tries to rob a bank, he is tackled by Arnold Schwarzenegger who happens to go there. When he is tackled by Arnold Schwarzenegger, he has to go to a Hospital. When he has to go to a Hospital, they wont accept him because he doesn't have any money. When he isn't accepted into the Hospital, he reflects on his life. When he reflects on his life, he blames the class for all of this. When he blames the class, he decides to burn down all of the students houses. When he burns down all of the students houses, he accidently catches himself on fire.
    Don't be late to Mr. Rouchs. Or play with fire.

    Ty B.
    Ostro Pd. 3

    1. This is the the best one ever. Ty should clearly get an A+ for his excellent work on this subject. Applause, Applause.

  63. When your late to Mr. Rouch class = You run fast
    When you run fast = You trip and fall
    When you trip and fall = You get hurt badly
    When you get hurt badly = You go to the hospital
    When you go to the hospital = You get cured
    When you get cured = You dont be late
    When you dont be late = You dont trip
    When you dont be late =You dont trip
    When you dont trip =You dont get hurt
    LYDIA O. J.

  64. When you are late to Mr. Rouch's class, he sends you to Mr. Collins' room. When you get sent to Mr. Collins' room, he tries to drown you in coke. When you are drowning in coke you find a baseball bat. When you find a baseball bat, you break free of Mr. Collins' death trap. When you break free of Mr. Collins' death trap, he sends his army of rabid cats after you. When he sends his army of rabid cats after you, you try to train a dog to protect you. When you try to train a dog to protect you from the rabid cats, you realize that it's too late, and the rabid cats have already surrounded you.

    Jaden L. (Ostro)

    1. Watch out for Mr. Collins... the cats... Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class.

      Jaden L. (Ostro)

  65. When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class, he gets angry.
    When he gets angry, he lights a torch.
    When he lights a torch, he sets you on fire.
    When he sets you on fire, your classmates start to laugh and panic simultaneously.
    When your classmates laugh and panic simultaneously, they all suffer from heart attacks.
    When they all suffer from heart attacks, they all die.
    They all died because of you.
    Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class. Don't kill your classmates.
    Olivia M. (Tramontane)

    When your late to Mr.Rouch's class he gets the giggles,when he gets the giggles he lets you out with a warning when he lets you out with a warning you start crying when you cry kids make fun of you and when kids make fun of you then all the kids get detention when the kids have detention there parents whoop them once there whooped the kids then cry and have bruises


  67. When you are late to Mr.Rouch class Mr. Rouch gets mad
    When Mr.Rouch gets mad he starts yelling
    When he start to yell you feel sad
    When you feel sad you feel like going home
    When you feel like going home you get sleepy and tired
    When you get tired you get in trouble
    When you get in trouble you have to call home
    When you call home you get your parents mad too
    When you get your parents mad you get grounded
    When you get grounded you get things taken away
    When you get thing taken away you start fooling around
    When you start fooling around you into more trouble
    When you get into more trouble you are doomed!!!!!!!!!
    period 3

  68. when your late to mr.rouch class he takes all of your money and when he takes all of your family becomes bankrupt the you are have no chocie but to sleep on the in a anbanid wherehouse when you sleep with a family of cats

  69. when your late to mr rouch class you get set on fire
    when you get set on fire you become naked
    when you become naked you slap mr rouch
    when you slap mr rouch you go to jail
    when you go to jail you get jumped
    when you get jumped you are now in a gang
    when your in a gang your family no longer loves you
    when your family no longer loves you get sad
    when you get sad you sit around
    when you sit around you get fat
    when you get fat you cant walk
    when you cant walk you have no job
    when you have no job you lose your house
    when you lose your hose you have no where to sleep
    when you have no one to sleep u get cold
    when you get cold you die of hypothermia
    when you die of hypothermia you have a funeral
    when you have a funeral no one comes because no one loves you
    when no one loves you should order direct tv
    siroco v.s

  70. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you go to the dentist
    When you go to the dentist you get a shot in your mouth to num it
    When you get a shot you scream like a little girl
    When you scream like a little girl you get embarrassed
    When you get embarrassed the doctors post it on faceboook
    and when they post it on facebook they talk about you and you tell them off.

    Margaret P.
    House Ostro

  71. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class, you get in trouble
    when you get in trouble, he calls your parents
    when he calls your parents, a mexican mom picks up the phone
    when a mexican mom picks up the phone, you get abused with a whip
    when you get abused with a whip, you start to cry
    when you start to cry, mexican mom sends you outside with huge lions
    when you get sent outside with lions, your limbs get spread apart until there isnt anything to pull
    when you get your limbs pulled apart, you die of internal bleeding
    so i suggest you never be late to Mr. Rouch's class.

  72. When your late to Mr. Rouch class you will get eaten by a shark
    When you get eaten by a shark you go through its digestive system
    When you go through its digestive system you await defecation
    When you await defecation you get bored
    When you get bored you play with uvula
    When you play with its uvula it regurgitates
    When it regurgitates you get lost at sea
    When you get lost at sea you need direct tv
    Kimani. R SCRIOCCO

    1. this is awseonme she clearly deserves an AAAA++++++

  73. when your late to Mr. Rouch 's class you get in trouble. When you get in trouble you want to run away. When you want to run away your by your-self.When your by your-self you want to do something when you. When you want to do something you buy a TV.When you buy a TV you need a house.When you need a house you kidnap someone. When you kidnap someones house you watch DIRECT TV. When you watch TV your not bored
    GO HOUSE SCIROCCO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    If you're late to Mr.Rouch's class | you get thrown out of a moving vehicle
    When you thrown out a moving vehicle | you are put in a hospital
    When you get put in a hospital | you miss school
    When you miss school | you loose your saturday
    When you loose your saturday | you miss your birthday
    when you miss your birthday | you don't age
    When you don't age | you die at age13


    (Haley Pippin Tramontane)

  75. When your late to Mr.Rouch class he becomes mad
    that is when you get mad and walk out the classroom
    the vice principal finds you and
    sends you back to class you tell Mr.Rouch you hate him
    he runs out screaming like a girl crying then quits his job
    the class claps and thanks the person who did that then later
    regret it because they get i stupid language arts teacher
    Essence L
    Ostro Rocks

  76. If you"re late to Mr. Rouch's class you miss a lesson, when you miss a lesson you try to catch up on a lesson, when you try to catch up on a lesson you ask someone, when you ask someone you find out they're a bully, when you find out they're a bully you run for your life, when you run for your life you end up in Kansas, when you end up in Kansas you buy lots of corn, when you buy lots of corn you eat the corn, when you eat the corn you get fat, when you get fat a Kansas farmer notices you, when a Kansas farmer notices you he mistakes you for a pig, when he mistakes you for a pig he gags you, when he gags you he will sell you at the farmers market, when he's about to sell you at the farmers market you are dirty, when you are dirty he gives you a milk bath, when you get a milk bath you turn white, when you are clean from the milk bath he signs a deed to sell you, when he signs a deed to sell you you get blotches of ink on you, when you get blotches of ink on you you are mistaken for a cow, when you are mistaken for a cow you are sold to a cow herder, when you are sold to a cow herder you are put in a pasture, when you are put in a pasture you eat grass, when you eat grass you socialize with other cows, when you socialize with other cows you get transported to a butcher. Don't get transported to a butcher. Don't be late for Mr. Rouch's class. Julia Encinas (Ponente)

    1. when you're late to mr.rouch's class, you get locked outside .
      when you get locked outside you attract attention .
      when you attract attention you yell the dark lord's name .
      when you call the dark lord's name he comes .
      when he comes you and the dark lord will go shopping .
      when you and the dark lord go shopping he tries on outfits .
      when he tries on outfits his curves show .
      when his curves show the world blows up .

      Anastacia M.
      Ponente .

  77. When you are late to class you get a two hour detention
    When you get a two hour detention you scream bad things about Mr. Rouch
    When you scream bad things about Mr. Rouch he starts to cry
    When you feel like a jerk you start to cry
    When you start to cry Mr. Rouch sends you to Mrs. Wade`s office
    When your sent to Mrs. Wades office you get suspended
    When you get suspended your parents take all you fun stuff
    So don`t be late to class
    Skylar Duron Ostro rules

  78. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class you will get a cookie when you get a cookie you will want more cookies when you want more cookies when you want more cookies you will go on a rampage for cookies when you go on a rampage for cookies you will turn in to Godzilla when you turn into Godzilla the S.W.A.T will come when the S.W.A.T comes bad things will happen don't let bad things happen get to class on time

    Kris K. Tromontane

  79. When you are late for Mr. Rouch's class, you get in detention. When you are in detention, you get bored. When you get bored, you escape. When you escape, you have to hide your identity.
    When you hide your identity, no one remembers you exist. When no one remembers you exist, you feel lonely. Don't feel lonely, get to Mr. Rouch's class on time.
    Xzavier W. Ostro

  80. When you are late for Mr.Rouch's class,you get locked outside.
    When you get locked outside,a portal appears.
    When a portal appears,you get curious.
    When you get curious,you look in the portal.
    When you look in the portal,you fall in.
    When you fall in the portal,you become a test subject in Aperture Science.
    Don't become a test subject for Aperture Science,get to class on time.

  81. If your late to Mr. Rouch's class you get in trouble. When you get in trouble you get sent to the principles office. When you get sent to the principles office the principle calls your parents. When he calls your parents. When he calls your parents you get in trouble. When you get in trouble you get grounded. When you get grounded you lose everything. Don't get grounded and lose everything. Get Direct TV today.

    Jacob Janes
    Rouch 5

  82. If you are late to Mr. Rouch's class you get sick and you miss school. When you miss school you end up missing your education. When you miss education you end up dropping out of school. When you drop out of school you end up in a ditch.do not end up in a ditch.

  83. When your late to Mr Rouch's class you go to the dentist.When you go to the dentist you have cavities. When you have cavities you stop eating junk food. When you stop eating junk food you work out. When you work out you become hulk. When you become hulk you destroy the city. When you destroy the city you get captured by the military. Turn to Direct TV Now. Call 100 Direct TV.
    Andy Sandoval

  84. when your late to mr.Rouch's class he makes you sit in the hall
    when you sit in the hall you get doard
    when your board in the hall you fall a sleep
    when you fall a sleep mr.Rouch catches you
    when mr.Rouch catches you he gets mad
    when he gets mad he feeds you to a lion
    don't be late to mr.Rouch's

  85. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class,Mr.Rouch gets mad When Mr.Rouch gets mad,he sends you up to the office When you go to the office, the principle talks to you When the principle talks to you,you talk back when you talk back,you get suspended When you get suspended,your parents get mad When your parents get mad,you get depressed Dont get depressed stay happy Citlali F.(ponente)

  86. When your late to Mr, Rouch's class he gives extra homework
    When he gives extra homework you stay up all night finishing it
    When you stay up all night you wake up late you are tired the whole day
    When you are tired the whole day you are cranky and are mean to the people around you
    When you are cranky and rude to the people around you, they want to hurt you
    When you are cranky and want to hurt you, you run away
    When you run away you never come back and leave to New York
    When you leave to New York, you no longer have any energy or money
    When you don't have energy or money you fall asleep near the city dump
    You don't want to be in the New York City dump
    So don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class


  87. If you are late to Mr.Rouch's class, he will get you in trouble. When he gets you in trouble, you will get mad. When you get mad, you will want revenge. When you want revenge, you will trash him in your flashcards. When you trash him in you flash cards, he will get mad. When he gets mad, he will want revenge. When he wants revenge, he will sit you next to someone named ANGEL. When he sits you next to someone name ANGEL, it will be torture. When it is torture, you will complain. When you complain, he will laugh at you. When he laughs at you, you will want revenge. When you want revenge, you will trash him in your flashcards again. When you trash him in your flash cards, the cycle begins again. Don't let this cycle continue, just be nice to him in your flashcards.
    Jose G.
    House Scirocco per. 5
    p.s. Don't anticipate the flash cards...

  88. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class you get int trouble when you get in trouble you get detention when you get detention you get mad when you get mad you punch someone when you punch someone you get in a fight when fight you go to the hospital when you go to the hospital you get cancer when you get cancer you get depressed when you get depressed you go bald when you go bald you don't get the ladies Don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

  89. When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class you get followed by a man. When you're followed by a man you get scared. When you're scared you walk faster. When you walk faster the man walks faster. When the man walks faster you start to run. When you start to run the man disappears. When the man disappears you think you're safe. When you think you're safe the man teleports in front of you and turns out to be SlenderMan. When he turns out to be SlenderMan you order Direct TV and watch it with him, never to be seen again. Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class. Francis D. Scirocco

  90. When you are late for Mr. Rouch's class , you will get a hundred dollar bill ,when you get a hundred dollar bill you spend it for eight chocolate bars ,when you have eight chocolate bars you will eat all of eight chocolate bars

  91. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class he gets mad.
    When he gets mad you get bad grades.
    When you get bad grades your parents get mad.
    When your parents get mad they yell at the school.
    When they yell at the school the school kicks you out.
    When you get kicked out of school your parents think there's something wrong with you.
    When your parents think there's something wrong with you; your parent send you to a theropist.
    When your parents send you to a theropist they have to pay money.
    When your parents have to pay money they run out of money.
    When you run out of money you become homeless.
    When you are homeless you live in a box.
    When you live in a box you smell.

  92. when you're late to Mr. Rouchs class you'll get lost in the desert. When you get lost in the desert you start seeing things. When you start seeing things you will start talking to imaginary turtles. When you talk to imaginary turtles they feed you magical snacks. When imaginary turtles feed you magical snacks you end up in the middles of the appalachins. When you end up in the middle of the appalachins you see wolves. When you see wolves they try to eat you.When they try to eat you you snap out of your hallucination and end up back in the desert. So dont be late to mr. rouchs class


  93. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class he gets cranky.
    When Mr.Rouch get cranky he forgets that he is supposed to go home and take care of his son.
    When Mr.Rouch forgets to take care of his son, Mrs. Rouch gets mad at him.
    When Mrs. Rouch gets mad she doesn't make dinner for Mr.Rouch.
    when Mrs.Rouch doesn't make dinner for Mr. Rouch he has to make his own food.
    When Mr.Rouch makes his own food he gets poisoned by his meal.
    When Mr.Rouch gets poisoned Baby Rocky starts crying.
    Dont be late to Mr.Rouch's class!


  94. When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class, you get depressed.
    When you get depressed, you take anti-depressants.
    When you take anti-depressants, you think about your mother.
    When you think about your mother, you cry in class.
    When you cry in class, everyone laughs at you.
    When Everyone laughs at you, you get an F!!!!

    Kiron Valenti..... Ostro

  95. When you are late to Mr. Rouch's class, you get detention.
    When you get detention, you get missing assignments.
    When you get missing assignments, you get a bad grade.
    When you get a bad grade, you get upset.
    When you get upset, you drop out of school.
    When you drop out of school, you cant pay the bills.
    When you cant pay the bills, you get kicked out of your home.
    When you get kicked out of your home, you live on the street.
    When you live on the street, you fail at life.
    Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class....
    - Jordan De La Fuente

  96. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class you get a tardy
    when you get a tardy you get Saturday school
    when you get Saturday school you get a slip your parents need to sign
    when you need your parents to sign you ditch Saturday school
    when you ditch Saturday school Mr.Rouch tracks you down
    when Mr. Rouch tracks you down he finds you and you get yelled at
    so don't be late to Mr. Rouchs class unless you want to feel his wrath
    A.A ostro

  97. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class he gets mad.
    When he gets mad he starts yelling at the whole class.
    When he starts yelling at the whole class the students get all sad.
    When the students get sad they don't want to do their work.
    When they don't want to do their work they get bad grades.
    When they get bad grades they go home and show their parents.
    When they show their parents they get angry at them and get them grounded.

  98. When your late to Mr. Rouchs class, someone screams at you. When someone screams at you, you get low self esteem. When you get low self esteem, you get depressed. When you get depressed, you take classes with groups who are the same. When you take those classes, you feel awesome. When you feel awesome you feel like you can do whatever you want. When you feel like you can do whatever you want, you go late to Mr. Rouchs class again.

    Litzy Alba
    Rouch 5

  99. When you are late to Mr. Rouch's class, you get yelled at. When you get yelled at, you start crying. When you start crying, everybody starts telling you that it is okay. When everybody starts telling you that it is okay, you yell at them that it is not okay. When you yell at them that it is not okay, they get mads at you. When they get mad at you, you do not have friends. When you do not have friends, you are forever alone. When you are forever alone, you do not eat. When you do not eat, you are super skinny. When you are super skinny, you are ugly. When you are ugly, you do not have love. When you don't have love, you are depressed. Don't be depressed and be on time.
    Dayra L.

  100. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class you get sent to a different class. When you get sent to a different class you tend to get distracted. When you get distracted you look for lady bugs. When you look for lady bugs you start spinning in circles. When you spin in circles you dolphin dive. When you dolphin dive you hit a fence. Don't hit a fence get real.

    Kaleigh G. Scriocco

  101. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class, Santa gives you coal. When Santa gives you coal you cry.When you cry your sister laughs at you. When your sister laughs at you you become embarassed. When you are embarassed everyone laughs at you. When everyone laughs at you you take out on Mr.Rouch. When you take it out on Mr.Rouch you get expelled.When you get expelled your mother sends you to military school.When your mom sends you to military school you get beat up by the teacher. When you get beat up by the teacher you regret what you did to Mr.Rouch. Do not be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

    Deven Lakhani
    Tramontane p.5

  102. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class,you get locked out.
    When you get locked out,the teacher gives you detention.
    When you get detention,you meet the genius that always gets in trouble.
    When you meet the genius that always gets in trouble,he convinces you to do an experiment.
    When you do the experiment,you resurrect dinosaurs.
    When you resurrect dinosaurs, they eat every human they see.
    Don't bring back man-eating dinosaurs,go to class on time.
    Andrea S. Ostro

  103. when you are late to Mr. Rouchs class you get sad, when you get sad you feel insecure, when you feel insecure you watch twilight, when you watch twilight you cry, when you cry you eat chocolate, when you eat chocolate you get fat, when you get fat you don't get married, when you don't get married you feel forever alone, when you feel forever alone you get a low self esteem, this is why you should never be late to Mr. Rouchs class.

    Maliya J.

  104. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class. He will make Bryce make flashcard about you and When Bryce makes flashcards about you terrible things will happen to you.When terrible thing happen to you complain and when you complain he sits you in the back.When you sit in the back you will be rude to people.When your rude to people you will be sent to the office.

  105. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you get left outside, when you get left outside you ditch school, when you ditch school the truent officier comes after you, when the truent officier comes after you you run away, when you run away the truent officier chases you, when the truent officier chase you you have some fun,when you have some fun the truent officier catches you, when the truent officier catches you the school day is over, when the school day is over you go to Universal Studios with your friends.



  107. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class, he will make you go get a tardy slip.
    when you get a tardy slip, you'll walk back to class and bang your head on the wall.
    when you bang your head on the wall, everyone asks why you have a big goose egg on your head
    when you get asked about your goose egg on your head, you throw the person by the hair in frustration of the bad morning
    when you throw the person by the hair in frustration of the bad morning, you get sent to the office
    when you get sent to the office, you end with a bad day and...
    when you end with a bad day you wake up late and show up late to Mr. Rouch's class.

    selena bravo
    rouch 6

  108. when you are late to Mr.Rouchs class you will get yelled at and when you get yelled at you start crying and when you start crying your friends start telling you that jts okay and when they tell you that its okay you scream at them and tell them that its not okay and when you scream at your friends you will loose your friends and when you loose your friends you will be really depressed and when you are really depressed you will stop eating and when you stop eating you will be skinny and when you are skinny you will be really ugly and when you are really ugly !!!!SO NEVER BE LATE TO MR.ROUCHS CLASS!!!!! VANESSA .G PONENTE

  109. when youre late to Mr.Rouchs class you gent sent to the principals office. if you get sent to the office they call your mom. if they call your mom she freaks out and makes you suspend yourself. if you suspend yourself you loose everything. if you loose everything you start a riot. if you start a riot you get sent to prison you get into fights and loose teeth. if you loose your teeth you must use yo baby teeth. don't shove your baby teeth back into your head.

  110. `when your late to mr.rouch you get in trouble and you go to your house and nobody ask whats wrong and you get sad and then u become emo after that your parent call you stupid and you try to kill yourself but u wake up in a hospital and your mom is crying so then you cry and your dad is mad at you because you did that and your brother
    looks at you with a nodding face and u feel left out of your family

    period 6

  111. When your late to Mr.Rouch's class, you miss half of the lesson if you miss half of the lesson =. Your stupid, if your stupid. You buy a cat if you buy a cat you become a cat lady. if you become a cat lady you start to stink if you start to stink a vampire rat bites you. if a vampire rat bites you. You kill your cats if you kill your cats Harry Styles becomes sad. If harry styles is sad. he doesn't sing if he doesnt sing he's broke. if hes broke everyone hates him. if everyone hates him one direction goes in 2 directions. if the world goes in 2 directions cats cry if cats cry the whole world dies. If the whole world dies except you then you become a vampire and dinosaurs come back, if dinosaurs come back the vampires die. if the vampires die then no one kills the dinosaurss so a meteor kills the dinosaurs so the world then officially dies except rabid vampire rats. :D

    T.B (Tramontane )


    1. *world officially dies.

      So dont be late to Mr Rouch's class

  112. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class you get in trouble. When you get in trouble you go to the police station. When you go to the police station you get scared. When you get scared you get yelled at. When you get yelled at you leave.When you leave you get a handover on soda.When you get a hangover on soda you miss school.When you miss school your late to Mr.Rouch's class and we don't want that to happen so don't be late to Mr.Rouch's class.

    T.G. ostro

  113. If i was late to Mr.Rouch class i would get sent to the class i came from and i would lie to the teacher and say Mr.Rouch said to give me a pass and then the teacher i came from will call Mr Rouch and then i will get sent to the office then get sent home and get beat up and when i come back to school and everyone will laugh at u DONT BE LATE HE MAKE UR LIFE MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! TROMANTANE
    SARY Abdelrahman

  114. when your late to Mr.Rouch's you sit outside
    ~when u sit outside you sit in gum
    when u sit in gum your pants get sticky
    ~when your pants get sticky people laugh
    when people laugh you feel stupid
    ~when you feel stupid you get hit by a bus
    when you get hit by a bus you go missing
    ~when you go missing cops look for you
    when cops cant find you your parents get scared
    ~when your parents get scared they made a clay you
    when they make a clay you they put you in the sun
    ~when your in the sun you melt you die
    when you die they find your real body but your sleeping
    ~then they but you in a casket when your in a casket you wake up in the middle of the ceremony
    when you wake you your parents have a heart attack
    ~when your parents have a heart attack they die
    when your parents die your an orphan
    ~when your a orphan you get adopted to the crazy cat lady
    then you have to clean cat boxes forever!!!!!!!
    Sedona C.

  115. When you are late to Mr. Rouch's class, he will give you a second chance, when he gives you a second chance you take advantage of that second chance, when you take advantage of that second chance he will send you to the office. When you get sent to the office, you will meet Mr.B, when you meet Mr.B he will most likely send you back to class. When Mr.B sends you back to class you will not go back to class. When you do not go back to class, you will go to your house. When you go to your house you will find there is a fire. When you see your house is on fire you will call 911. When you call 911, you will


  116. When students are late to Mr. Rouch's and Mr. Collins class we get something of Hello Kitty c: ^_^ YEAH butt then my parents will SCREAM at me!!!!! Then they will send me to MEXICO!!!! where there is awesome churros :) then i will get jumped byh my cousins for being late! Then they will take all my money and i wont be able to buy any churros! :( And then my life will be hopeless! without them and also tacos! If i stay there for more than 1 week i will be really fat like shananay!!!!! :0 i dont want to live like that!!!! butt yeah thats what will happen if i got late to mr rouch class and that has happened to me 3 times!!!

    March. 19 2013

  117. If I was late to Mr. Rouchs class he would send me to the principle then I would get OCS or suspension then my mom and dad would send me to Mexico. I like Mexico :D and tacos :D don't forget about churos then I would get fat I would have to ride on a donkey if it doesnt die from my weight and i wouldn't be able to jump the border but if I do ill get stuck on the fence I will get caught by border patrol
    AT Tramontane

  118. Hi this is why you should not be late to Mr Rouch class. when you are late to his class he get mad

  119. blah blah blah blah
    do not be late haha
    7th grade

  120. If I was late to Mr. Rouch's class i would have to get a late pass from the office.
    After you get the late pass you scream in the class.
    When you finish screaming in the class they tell you what happened.
    You tell them what happened and get suspended.
    You get suspended and go home angry
    Get home angry and flip off your sister
    You flip off your sister and get grounded in my room
    Grounded in room so decide to escape
    Escape and run into your long lost crazy uncle bob

    Ashley I.
    Tramontane Rouch 6

  121. If u go to the restroom during class, class would end ,an if it ends you would be late to Mr. Rouch's class an if your late he would send you to the principle's office an the principle would call your parents, an if your parents come they would give you a spanken an if you get a spanken you run away when you run away you sleep under a highway an if you sleep under a highway a homeless will pick you up an if the homeless person picks you up he would chain you to a wall an if he chains you to a wall he would put baby cloths an makes u as his baby an when he puts you baby cloths you run out an slap him an the face an when you slap him on the face he chases u on to the highway an if he chases you into a highway he would get hit by a car an if he gets hit by a car u you would get sent to jail for the rest of your DONT DITCH MR.ROCH class J.Z (scirocco)

  122. When your late to Mr. Rouch's class you get in trouble when you get in trouble you get spanked at home. when you get spanked at home you need to go to therapy don't go to therapy.
    misael rodriguez
    rouch 6

  123. When your late to Mr.Rouch 's class he gets mad,Mr.Rouch makes you go outside.And when he sent outside he goes inside and yells at the whole class.And when he yells at the whole class everyone gets mad at Mr.Rouch.And when everyone gets mad ,everyone don't do their work.And when everyone don't do their work everyone fails Mr.Rouch's class.And when everyone fails Mr.Rouch class everyone get seen bad grades.And when everyone get bad grades their parents ground them.And when everyone gets grounded they're sad. And when everyone sad ,everyone don't go to school.Thats why you go to Mr.Rouch's class.
    DULCE A.

  124. When you are late to Mr.Rouchs class,he will ask you why you are late and you will say I don't know.If you are late for pretty much an entire week, you will get a detention.Another punishment you can receive is suspension.He will also get mad and tell you to sit in a chair with a table that is in the way back of the class that is not even close to the door,but close to the dark side of the class. GUY FROM PONENTE

  125. when you are late to Mr.Rouch's class, you get locked out of class,when you get locked out of class you miss class work, when you miss class work you' re grade's goes down,when you're grade's go down you get an F on you're report card you get grownded,when you get growned you can't hang out with you're friend's A.RIOS (ostro)

  126. if your late to Mr.Rouch's class you get in trouble
    whenyour late to class your girlfriend will break up with you
    when your girlfriend breaks up with you nobody wants to be your friend
    when nobody wants to be your friend you get a bunch of cats
    when you get a bunch of cats nobody respects you
    when nobody respects you you can't get a job
    when you can't get a job you move in with your parents
    when you move in with your parents your parents begin to hate you
    dont make your parents hate you

    M.G Ponente

    M.G Ponente

  127. when you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you miss the lesson if you miss the lesson you get an F when you get an F your mom finds out when your mom finds out she puts you up for adoption when you are 13 when you are put up for adoption when you are 13 you aren't adopted when you aren't adopted you are kicked out of the home for orphans when you are kicked out of the home for orphans you live on the streets when you live on the streets you eat rotten cheese when you eat rotten cheese when you eat rotten cheese you get attacked by rats when you get attacked by rats cats eat the rats when cats eat the rats you are covered in rat guts don't be covered in rat guts and be on time to Mr.Rouch's class.

    Michael S.

  128. When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class, you make him angry. When you get Mr. Rouch angry, he goes into a Hulk-like form. When you get Mr. Rouch into a Hulk-like form, the roof caves in. When the roof caves in, you black out. When you black out, you imagine you're in the Matrix. When you imagine you're in the Matrix, you try to jump from building-to-building. When you try to jump from building-to-building, you fall in your dreams. When you fall in your dreams, you wet your pants. When you wet your pants, everyone laughs at you. Don't have everyone laugh at you.
    Lance D.

  129. If your late to Mr.Rouch , I would say there's the door to Sorry. If I said there's the door to Sorry,he would say back to me hey rude. If Sorry said to me hey rude, after school I would take him to eat pizza and say have a seat. If I took Sorry to eat pizza and say have a seat, Sorry would cover my eyes and he gives me a vege pizza. If Sorry gives me a vege pizza,I would get sick and walk all the way back home and throw up on the sofa. By Fabian C. Ostro

  130. if you are late to mr.rouchs class you wont punch the bag. and if you don't punch you will be sad then you are a loner. garrett madras house tramontane

    1. If you are late to Mr.Rouchs class you wont be let in the class room when you aren't let into the class room you go to the office when you go to the office you get a two hour when you get a two hour you wast your early day when you wast your early day you can play Xbox as long when you cant play Xbox you cant get better when you don't get better you cant beat your friends when you cant beat your friends you lose when you lose you get mad when you get mad you do stupid things when you do stupid things you get in trouble when you get in trouble you are sad.
      By; Andrew Rapanot house ostro

  131. when your late to mr.rouch's class,you don't get to punch the hand,when you don't punch the hand, you don't let your anger out, when you don't let your anger out, you punch someone in the face, when you punch someone in the face, you get a 2 hour and ocs
    - alexis solis

  132. oscar G. if you are late to mr.rouchs class you get 5 minutes after school if you get 5 minutes after school you miss your ride if you miss your ride you have to walk home if you have to walk home you get attacked by a pack of dogs if you get attacked by a pack of dogs you get injered if you get injered if you get injered you have to go to the hospital if you go to the hospital you have to get stitches if you get stitches you get picked on at school if you get picked you get beet up dont get beet up at school

  133. when you talk in mr collins class your late to mr rouchs class.when your late to mr rouchs class you cant punch the bag,when you cant punch the bag you cant let your anger out.when you cant let your anger out you punch someone in the face.DONT BE LATE TO MR ROUCHS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!


  134. If your late to Mr. Rouch's class, you won't hit the bag. If you don't hit the bag, you can't let your anger out. When you can't let your anger you will get more angry. When you get more angry you'll get in trouble. When you get in trouble Mr. Rouch will give you detention. When you get detention everyone thinks you are a bad person. Do not be late to Mr. Rouch's class. By Christian Rodriguez

  135. If your late to Mr. Rouch , you get a detention. when you get a detention you get mad , when you get mad you have a rampage. when you have a rampage you destroy your house .when you destroy your house. your homeless. when your homeless ,you live in the street. when you live in the street .you have no food,when you have no food, you start eating from the dumpster,when you start eating from the dumpster,when you start seeing unicorns, when you see unicorns, you start to act like one . dont act like a unicorn Jesus M Tramontane Per 7

  136. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class you will get a 2 hour detention and when you get a 2 hour detention you will get mad and when you get mad you will yell at Mr.Rouch and when yell at Mr.Rouch he will send to the office and when you get sent to the office you will get a suspension you be in trouble by your parents Michael Compoi Scriacco

  137. If you are late to rouchs class you cant learn if you cant learn if you cant learn you will fail if you fail you wont granduate if you dont granduate you wont get a high school diploma when you dont get a high school diploma you wont get a job if you dont get a job you will be like Sary.
    By:Austin Clark

  138. When your late to Mr.Rouch class you get a warning. When you get a warning you do it again. When you do it again you stay after class. When you stay after class you are late to your brother. When you are late to your bother your mom grounds you. when your mom grounds you get mad at Mr.Rouch. When you get mad a Mr.Rouch you tell on him. When you tell on him he say it is not his falt. When he says that you get mad.Don't get be late to class.
    by:ian ibarra ponente

  139. When you come into Mr. Rough's class late, he gets mad. When he gets mad, you make more fun of him. When you make more fun of him, he tries to make comebacks. When he tries to make comebacks, you facepalm yourself. When you facepalm yourself, you get hurt. When you get hurt, you get mad at Mr. Rough. When you get mad at Mr. Rough, you punch people. When you punch people, you go to jail. Dont be late to Mr. Rough's class. Shannon C. :D

    1. When your late to M.r Rouch class. You feel weird.When you feel weird you don't talk to anyone. When you dont talk to anyone they say you are a loner.When your loner you dont do homework. When you dont do homework you fail tests. When you fail tests you get F.Then you get in trouble.When you get in trouble you feel sad. when you feel sad you want to become happy.when your happy everything better.dont be late to Mr.Rouch

  140. If you are late to mr.rouchs class, you have to knock on the door, when you have to knock on the door, the whole class stares at you, when the whole class stares at you , you are distracting them, when your distracting them, Mr.rouch gets mad, when mr.rouch gets mad, you get introuble, when you get introuble, you get held in 5 mins after school, when you get held in 5 mins after school, you have to walk up hill along, when you walk up hill alone, you look like a loaner, when you look like a loaner, you get picked on, when you get picked on, you get depressed, and no one got time for that ! ;)

  141. when your late to Mr. Rouch's class the doors close. when the door closes you have to tell them to open it. when they open it everybody looks at you when everybody looks at you mr.rouch tells you to go get a pass from the class before. when you go to get a pass they tell you its not there fault that your late. when you tell mr.rouch that they said it not their fault mr.rouch gets you in trouble. when mr. rouch gets you in trouble.when mr.rouch gets you in trouble your day gets ruined.by josue castaneda

  142. When your not on time for Mr.Rouchs class, you get him disappointed, when he is disappointed he looses hope in you, when he looses hope he stops trying to teach you, when he stops teaching you you don't have a proper education, when you don't have the education you don't get into college, when you don't get into college your parents disown you, when they disown you you are depressed, when you are depressed you start getting suicidal, when your suicidal you go into a support group.. Main thing don't be late to class!!
    -- Angelina S

  143. when you are late to Mr.Rouch class he get mad and tells you ''why are you late to my class''you give him attuide he sends you to the office and when he sends you to the office Mr.B calls home and you are sent home and when your dad picks you up he say it just a detention so go to detention and you are grounded

  144. when you are late to mr rouch's class, you get a detention, when you get a detention,you get an F, when you get an F , you become depressed, when you become depressed, you drop out of school, when you drop out of school, your parents kick you out, when your parents kick you out, you get a job at McDonald's, when you get a job at McDonald's, you see Mr.Rouch, when you see mr rouch you say im sorry for being late.... DONT BE LATE TO MR.ROUCH'S CLASS

    By: Casper (ponente)

  145. When you are late to Mr. Rouch's class you don't get to punch Sparring glove and when you don't get to punch it you punch someone in the face. When you punch someone in the face Shannon wants to join in so the kid that got punched in the face by Shannon they get sent to the hospital. When they get sent to the hospital and the kid tells his parents it was Shannon she get sent to jail. When she gets sent to jail she breaks out. When she breaks she goes crazy over punching people and gets expelled, but she is happy because she doesn't get to go to Mr. Rouch's class. Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class or you will turn out like Shannon sending people to the hospital. BEWARE!!!! :D

  146. When you are late to Mr.Rouch's class he'll send you to the hall. Then the boys in the locker room will mess with you. Then youll get the nearest thing and through it at them. Then they'll through it back. Then youll walk in and see inapropraite things.

  147. When you late to Mr.Rouch class you interrupt the class.When you interrupt the class you get a warning.When you get a warning you get mad.When you get mad you say do retarded things.When you are retarded you get sent to the hall.When you go to the hall you get SCARED because you never know what is gonna happen.When you don't know what's gonna happen you think terrible.

  148. When you're late to Mr.Rouch's class you disrupt. When you disrupt class, you get sent out. When you get sent out, you get embarrassed. When you get embarrassed you talk back. When you talk back, you get in trouble.When you get in trouble, you're consequence for being late turns into something else. When your consequence turns into something else it comes back to kick you in the butt, so don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class!!!!!

  149. When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class, your parents will find out (eventually.)
    When your parents find out, you'll get grounded.
    When you get grounded, you'll complain about being bored.
    When you complain about being bored, your parents will send you outside (which is really the opposite of being grounded).
    When your parents send you outside, it will be too hot, so you'll go back inside.
    When you go back inside, you'll find something really interesting to do, which will take up half the night.
    When you found something really interesting to do that took up the whole night, you sleep late.
    When you sleep late, you'll wake up late.
    When you wake up late, you'll be late to Mr. Rouch's class.
    When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class, you find yourself in a never-ending chain of horrible tardies and being grounded forever.
    ...Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class.

    Sharmaine G.
