Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Sell Your Hair to a Wig Shop

You've probably seen these DirecTV commercials before, but you might not have noticed the cause-and-effect relationships inside of them:

Your task:

  • Post a blog entry in the comments section in which you create your own cause-and-effect sequence
    • Your sequence should begin with "When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class"
    • Your sequence should end with "Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class"
    • Your sequence must have at least 6 causes and 6 effects
    • Make sure to include your first name, last initial, and house at the end of your post!

Monday, March 18, 2013

School House Rock - Adjectives

Get ready to unpack those adjectives! Here comes School House's take on those helpful modifiers.  Steer clear of those hairy, scary bears!

School House Rock - Adverbs

Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here!  There are lots of great examples and rules for the use of adverbs in this video!  Follow along in your blue handbooks.

Friday, March 15, 2013

To This Day

We've been looking closely at cause-and-effect relationships.  We started with some fast facts on the Titanic, 9/11, and getting good grades.  From there, we watched this beautiful spoken word poetry video by Shane Koyczan and created a circle map of what we felt were some of the most powerful parts of the video.

Please bring your fast facts and circle map to class on Monday as we continue our hunt.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Modifiers - Adjectives and Adverbs

Hey everyone!
      Here's some basic information to help you with your S.O.L.E. Activity on modifiers.  Each group is required to add one comment telling the rest of the class something from another website they learned about modifiers Good luck and I look forward to seeing your presentations on Wednesday!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Paperman Narrative

Take a look at Disney's Academy Award-winning animated short Paperman.  We'll be outlining a first-person narrative -- told from the paper's point of view.