Friday, June 7, 2013

Realm of the Four Winds Champions!

It is with the greatest pleasure that we crown House Ponente as the champions of the inaugural Tournament of the Four Winds! It was an exciting day of competition, and everyone's mental agility and physical prowess was on full display.

The event winners' points were tallied, and a final calculation of each House's three-trimester average GPA was conducted.  When it was all said and done, the final totals for the tournament stood as this:

1st: House Ponente - 9300 points

2nd: House Tramontane - 8800 points

3rd: House Scirocco - 8650 points

4th:  House Ostro - 7550 points

Congratulations to all of our champions, and thanks for your hard work and competitive spirit throughout the year.  Though we'll miss you next year, we can't wait to see the great things you all accomplish in 8th grade and beyond.  Finally, as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Outsiders - FInal Essay

Here are the directions and formatting requirements we discussed for the final essay due at the end of class Wednesday.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 12

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 12 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 11

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 11 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

The Outsiders - Chapter 10

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 10 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 9

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 9 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 8

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 8 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Outsiders - Comprehension Questions

Check out the slideshow presentation below for the comprehension questions for every chapter of The Outsiders:

The Outsiders - Chapter 7

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 7 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 6

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 6 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Outsiders Homework (Due 5/24)

Your homework for this week is as follows:

Mr. Rouch's class

The Outsiders is filled with conflicts, both internal and external.  Your task is to draw a large, blank head on a separate piece of paper (or click here to print out and use a template) and identify the following:
  • 3 internal conflicts
    • list these inside the head
    • write a possible solution underneath each conflict
  • 3 external conflicts
    • list these outside the head
    • write a possible solution underneath each conflict
Mr. Collins's class

A theme of The Outsiders is society's expectations on certain people or groups of people.  Your task is to write a one-page essay in which you answer the following questions:
  • What does the world expect from you?
  • What do you expect from yourself?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dress Like a Greaser Day!

We're a third of the way through The Outsiders so, on the suggestion of a couple excellent students, we held our first-ever "Dress Like a Greaser Day."

Well done!

The Outsiders - Chapter 5

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 5 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 4

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 4 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 3

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 3 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 2

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 2 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Thank You!

Thank you all so much for the sympathy and support you've given me while I've gone through this difficult time after losing my dad.

I am so lucky to be able to teach such a great group of compassionate students this year!

Here's a picture of my dad hiking in Colorado, which he loved to do.  He was an excellent man!

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Outsiders - Chapter 1

In case you missed it in class, here's the audio version of Chapter 1 of The Outsiders.

Click here for the PDF version to follow along.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Outsiders: Preview

The Outsiders is a classic novel written by S.E. Hinton. It was first published in 1967.  Set in Oklahoma in the 1960s, It is a story about the battle between social classes—a gang of poor teenage boys who call themselves the Greasers versus their rich rival gang, the Socs (short for Socials).  The story draws from S.E. Hinton's personal experiences; she started writing it when she was a junior in high school!

To take us back to that time period, let's listen to a couple songs that were popular in that era.  Try to guess which artist would have been the Greasers' favorite, and who the Socs' would've liked to listen to:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Trimester 2 Realm of the Four Winds Winners!

Behold the Realm's final standings for Trimester 2!  Congratulations to House Ostro, as their hard work was evidenced in having the highest GPA this trimester, as well as the highest homework completion percentage. 

All the beans have been counted and converted into points, which were then added to the in-class activity awards and blog contest points.

Here's the final standings for Tri 2:

1st:  House Ostro - 1123 points

2nd: House Scirocco - 1097 points
3rd: House Ponente - 1021 points

4th: House Tramontane - 1013 points

Keep working hard for our third and final Trimester, champions, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Sell Your Hair to a Wig Shop

You've probably seen these DirecTV commercials before, but you might not have noticed the cause-and-effect relationships inside of them:

Your task:

  • Post a blog entry in the comments section in which you create your own cause-and-effect sequence
    • Your sequence should begin with "When you're late to Mr. Rouch's class"
    • Your sequence should end with "Don't be late to Mr. Rouch's class"
    • Your sequence must have at least 6 causes and 6 effects
    • Make sure to include your first name, last initial, and house at the end of your post!

Monday, March 18, 2013

School House Rock - Adjectives

Get ready to unpack those adjectives! Here comes School House's take on those helpful modifiers.  Steer clear of those hairy, scary bears!

School House Rock - Adverbs

Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here!  There are lots of great examples and rules for the use of adverbs in this video!  Follow along in your blue handbooks.

Friday, March 15, 2013

To This Day

We've been looking closely at cause-and-effect relationships.  We started with some fast facts on the Titanic, 9/11, and getting good grades.  From there, we watched this beautiful spoken word poetry video by Shane Koyczan and created a circle map of what we felt were some of the most powerful parts of the video.

Please bring your fast facts and circle map to class on Monday as we continue our hunt.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Modifiers - Adjectives and Adverbs

Hey everyone!
      Here's some basic information to help you with your S.O.L.E. Activity on modifiers.  Each group is required to add one comment telling the rest of the class something from another website they learned about modifiers Good luck and I look forward to seeing your presentations on Wednesday!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Paperman Narrative

Take a look at Disney's Academy Award-winning animated short Paperman.  We'll be outlining a first-person narrative -- told from the paper's point of view.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sentence Type Slide Show

As a review before we write for the state, here is a slideshow highlighting all the parts of each type of sentence. Still aren't sure what's in a complex sentence? Check this out to discover the answer!

Persuasive Writing Slideshow

As promised, here is the completed slide show from class today. Feel free to use this as an individual review as we get closer to the CST Writing test on the 5th.

Crossing the Wire - Chapter 13 Summary

Here's a quick presentation about how to write your summary for chapter thirteen of Crossing the Wire:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trimester 2 Final Review

Take these notes down and study them tonight before we start our Trimester 2 Final tomorrow!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Quick Strategies

Click here to go to today's lesson.  Once you've reached the site, complete the 3 reading comprehension activities.

FIRST:  Click "Begin Lesson"

SECOND:  Complete all 3 activities

THIRD: Read the "Wrap-up"

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Response to Literature II - "Zoo"

By: Edward D. Hoch
     The children were always good during the month of August, especially when it began to get near the twenty-third. It was on this day that the great silver spaceship carrying Professor Hugo's Interplanetary Zoo settled down for its annual six-hour visit to the Chicago area.
     Before daybreak the crowds would form, long lines of children and adults both, each one clutching his or her dollar, and waiting with wonderment to see what race of strange creatures the Professor had brought this year.
     In the past they had sometimes been treated to three-legged creatures from Venus, or tall, thin men from Mars, or even snake-like horrors from somewhere more distant. This year, as the great round ship settled slowly to earth in the huge tri-city parking area just outside of Chicago, they watched with awe as the sides slowly slid up to reveal the familiar barred cages. In them were some wild breed of nightmare--small, horse-like animals that moved with quick, jerking motions and constantly chattered in a high-pitched tongue. The citizens of Earth clustered around as Professor Hugo's crew quickly collected the waiting dollars, and soon the good Professor himself made an appearance, wearing his many-colored rainbow cape and top hat. ``Peoples of Earth,'' he called into his microphone.
     The crowd's noise died down and he continued. ``Peoples of Earth, this year you see a real treat for your single dollar--the little-known horse-spider people of Kaan--brought to you across a million miles of space at great expense. Gather around, see them, study them, listen to them, tell your friends about them. But hurry! My ship can remain here only six hours!
     And the crowds slowly filed by, at once horrified and fascinated by these strange creatures that looked like horses but ran up the walls of their cages like spiders. ``This is certainly worth a dollar,'' one man remarked, hurrying away. ``I'm going home to get the wife.''
     All day long it went like that, until ten thousand people had filed by the barred cages set into the side of the spaceship. Then, as the six-hour limit ran out, Professor Hugo once more took microphone in hand. ``We must go now, but we will return next year on this date. And if you enjoyed our zoo this year, phone your friends in other cities about it. We will land in New York tomorrow, and next week on to London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. Then on to other worlds!
He waved farewell to them, and as the ship rose from the ground the Earth peoples agreed that this had been the very best Zoo yet. . . .

Some two months and three planets later, the silver ship of Professor Hugo settled at last onto the familiar jagged rocks of Kaan, and the queer horse-spider creatures filed quickly out of their cages. Professor Hugo was there to say a few parting words, and then they scurried away in a hundred different directions, seeking their homes among the rocks.
     In one, the she-creature was happy to see the return of her mate and offspring. She babbled a greeting in the strange tongue and hurried to embrace them. ``It was a long time you were gone. Was it good?''
And the he-creature nodded. ``The little one enjoyed it especially. We visited eight worlds and saw many things.''
     The little one ran up the wall of the cave. ``On the place called Earth it was the best. The creatures there wear garments over skins, and they walk on two legs.''
``But isn't it dangerous?'' asked the she-creature.
``No,'' her mate answered. ``There are bars to protect us from them. We remain right in the ship. Next time you must come with us. It is well worth the nineteen commocs it costs.''
     And the little one nodded. ``It was the very best Zoo ever. . . .''

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Realm of the Four Winds Inaugural T-Shirt Day!


Contest Winners!

A special "Thank You!" goes out to all citizens of the Realm who participated in the inaugural Realm T-Shirt Day!  We had well over 100 people boldly displaying their House pride by donning the colors of the Realm! It was a close competition with two Houses squarely in the lead, but the remaining two made it a close call!  

Make sure to reserve Fridays for House shirts, and don't forget!  Next week during seventh period, all citizens of the Realm will assemble in the MPR to commemorate our new garb with a photo.  

Now, without further ado, here are your winners...


1st Place

House Tramontane!
36 Shirts
100 points awarded

Second Place
 House Ostro!
35 Shirts
75 points awarded

Third Place
House Scirocco!
33 Shirts
50 points awarded

Fourth Place
House Ponente!
24 Shirts
 25 points awarded

Thanks once again to all who participated!  Let's aim for over 200 shirts for the photo next Friday.  Until then...May The Winds Be Always At your Back!



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

   To all citizens of the Realm...
Here's to a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2013!  Take this opportunity to evaluate your progress and contributions to your Houses.  Are you truly doing everything you can to ensure your success?  You are all stronger and capable of more than you think!  Steadfastly resolve to do your best at all times, tirelessly prepare and plan for all your responsibilities, and above all, constantly act with honesty and integrity. With a renewed focus on our goals, we will make the last half of our year a resounding success!  Strive on, and... 
May the Winds be Always at Your back!