Thursday, October 18, 2012

Informational Text - How to Build a Tower of Cards

Before next week's final, we'd like to shift our focus to a special type of nonfiction writing called informational text.  As you may have guessed from its name, the purpose of informational text is to inform the reader about something -- like a schedule of movie showtimes, a menu, a scientific article, or instructions for how to perform a task.

For Friday's class, we will be exploring informational text by following the instructions linked below:

How to Build a Tower of Cards: 7 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow

After you've followed the directions and built your tower of cards, take a picture of it and email it to us at so we can see how well you've done.  The house with the tallest tower will get 50 bonus beans -- but you must have the picture to prove it!


  1. Do you have to be in the picture?

  2. No, as long as you leave your name and house in the email!

  3. Do we do this at home?

  4. You only need to do this at home if you were not in class the day we built them.
