Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cavaliers Finale 2000

The Amazing Hand Art House comment challenge concluded last Friday, and the winner will be announced soon! 

For the next challenge, we're offering a video that demonstrates how hours of dedicated practice and discipline can pay off.  With some crazy formations and complex musical arrangements, the Cavaliers, out of Rosemont, Illinois, earned a share of the DCI World Championship. Watch this clip from the 2000 Drum Corps International Finals and post a comment!  As always, the House with the most comments combined with the most creative use of vocabulary will win!

Rules: The same rules still apply.

  • Each sentence must contain at least one vocab/spelling word from Lessons 1-7. 
  • Submit each sentence as a separate comment to this post.
  •  Make sure you leave your House's name in the comment.
  • The challenge will end Monday, October 15


  1. There use of quadrilateral shapes was magnificent!

    ~House Tramontane

  2. This must be immpossible to do without a lot of practice.
    ~House Tramontane

  3. In parts of this routine the people are parallel while other times they are intersecting.
    ~House Tramontane

  4. I think they might work on this routine until midnight.
    House Tramontane

  5. This almost looks impossible!
    House Tramontane

  6. The designer of this preformance was a bit of an overachiever.
    ~House Tramonatne

  7. There are more than one hundred people sitting around the perimeter of the stadim to watch.
    ~House Tramonatne

  8. They preform this preformance in the midsection of the field.
    ~House Tramontane

  9. This performance was a magnificent show to watch
    House Ostro

  10. You must have a lot of self-respect just to be able to do these cool tricks.
    House Ostro

  11. It must be impossible to play your instrument without getting hit with the flag twirlers.
    House Ostro

  12. I hope no one interrupted their practice
    House Ostro

  13. I wonder want prevented them to start a performance for this.
    House Ostro

  14. They must practice so much they can`t forget the routine.
    House Ostro

  15. It looks like you can complicate this performance.
    House Ostro

  16. When the performers do this activity they think of the benefit which is the people being amazed by this performance.
    House Ostro

  17. I wounder what would happen if they had to postpone the performance.

  18. I bet they would have a stadium full of angry fans!

    Wow! These are some really great sentences so far! Tramontane and Ostro have stepped up to the plate and creatively used a lot of awesome words!

    Scirocco and Ponente! Where are you? Get on here and have your voice heard! Fight for your house, and to all the competitors...

    May the winds be ever at your back!

  19. You can see that they're afoot rather than abed.

    ~House Scirocco

  20. I wonder if the chorepgrapher is and athiest.

    ~House Scirocco

  21. This looks like it could be used as an advertisement.

    ~House Scirocco

  22. That was quite a magnificent, synchronized dance.

    ~House Scirocco

  23. That looks complicated.

    ~House Scirocco

  24. This performance could recieve hypercritical comments or reviews.

    ~House Scirocco

  25. If someone were to forget the dance it would have turned out catastrophic.

    ~House Scirocco

  26. That looks almost impossible to me.

    ~House Scirocco

  27. If someone can do thet with both right and left hands then they are probably ambidextrous.

    ~House Scirocco

  28. They all look modest and not immodest.

    ~House Scirocco

  29. They must have practiced day and night and maybe even until midnight to make this look so easy.

    ~House Scirocco

  30. During much of the performance they were intersecting instead of being parallel.

    ~House Scirocco

  31. That was such a credible performance!
    -House Ostro

  32. During this preformance the band and the colorguard advanced toward each other.
    House Tramontane

  33. In this preformance the band members depart from the colorguad.
    House Tramontane

  34. How does this impossible preformance exit the stadium?
    ~House Tramontane

  35. There would be a huge croud of angry people if they had to postpone this magnificient preformance due to a malfunction in the music.
    ~House Tramontane

  36. It will be hard for the preformers to forget this impossible preformance after practicing it a number of times.
    House Tramontane

  37. I have to say if the seventh grade were to attempt this impossible preformance there would be a huge misfire.
    House Tramontane

  38. How could you make this any more complicated? I know, add multiple quadrilateral shapes,heptagons,and hexagons.

    House Tramontane

    1. Lets go House Tramontane I need some help!!!!1

  39. I wonder if they could make a preformance that was synchronized? Almost like sychronized swimming but with a magnificent band and colorguard.

    House Tramontane

  40. Are any of these band or colorguard members ambidextrous?

    House Tramontane

  41. Do not interrupt this preformance!

    ~House Tramontane

  42. You might have to use a telescope to see this preformance from the very top of the stadium.

    ~House Tramontane

  43. You might have to stay up to midnight for a couple of days, to desgin this preformance.

    ~House Tramontane

  44. I have a objection, I believe they could have made this preformance longer.

    ~House Tramontane

  45. How many malfunctions did they have before this preformance was magnificent?

    ~House Tramontane

  46. These preformers must give some credit to the desginer of this routine.

    House Tramontane

  47. The circumference of this stadium is filled with fans.

    ~House Tramontane

  48. If they were to make this preformance any better they would have to catapult someone off the field.

    ~House Tramontane

  49. Are they amadextrous because it would be really hard it they werent your favorite student andrew rapanot and the best house OSTRO!!!!!

    1. Wow andrew wow!!

    2. Andrew! Love the enthusiasm, man! I'm sure being ambidextrous would be helpful in a group like this! Next time, take a look at the spelling and punctuation before you post your comment!

  50. How did they prevent themselves from running into each other?

    House Tramontane!!

  51. What is this nonsense?

    House Tramontane

  52. Great job on these comments, everyone! Just a heads up. The word is performance or performer, not preform. The questions are excellent too! To the person who said it should be longer, it actually is! This video is just the last 2 minutes of a much longer show. You should check it out - DCI Cavaliers 2000.

    Okay, keep those comments coming! Tramontane seems to be leading the charge with Scirocco and Ostro close behind. Ponente needs to step it up and get some more posts in with a little less than a week left in the contest! Good luck to all Houses!

  53. I feel loneley

    House Ponente

    1. Don't feel lonely, House Ponente. There's fifty-two of you wonderful wunderkinder!

  54. to make this more exciting, catupult someone make someone perform a cartwheel. also this nonsense cant be real!!! malfunctions must be repetitive.they must face the mortality of someone getting injured. this is kind of random but i wonder if theyre neoconservative...
    if MY mom told me to tryout id object and obstuct her. if a flag hit my face, id have to go to the orthodontist. they really over achieve their goal!!! its almost overbearing to watch.the perimeter of the field must be huge!
    House Ostro
    Selena Bravo
    Period 6 and 7

    1. You have a few errors, I dont mean to be rude but punctuation and spelling errors. This is not the best work from you I know it's not. Good job Selena.

      From your lovely opponents,
      House Tramontane!

  55. This preformance is truely magnificent.These preformers must have to work on this from day to midnight.It seems almost impossible if you ask me. It really amazes me how much time is put in to this nonsense.I love the parts when it looks like the band is going to crass with the colorguard then they prevent the collision.You have to give a lot of extra credit to the overachiever who designed this routine.

    House Tramontane
    6 and 7 period

  56. ponenta Estrella Martinez AOctober 12, 2012 at 2:42 PM

    The preformance was neolithic i never saw something propel that will . And go that fast i really never wont it to stop. Also the microscope people how thay wher chering harshly and thay cherd so....long i never heard that munch before in my life.At the same time i like how thay wide it and how thay make it look dumpy oo my god and fregot how it look slim also how it had a lot of action to it and it was happing at the same time it semd i whas mesing some thing when thay move in order that i keep on waching the vido but... i think it will be much better if i whas ther my self .With this in mind thay had to work on this fore days and nights that take some hard work i woud knot serviv a day it look's fun to do it i bet thay wher boiling in ther uniform .I like the part when the band is going to crass with a colorguard and thay did a collision.Who ever did the designed the routine shoud get exra credit on this marvilus preformance.

  57. ponenta Estrella Martinez A ( period 1-2)October 12, 2012 at 2:47 PM

    The preformance was neolithic i never saw something propel that will . And go that fast i really never wont it to stop. Also the microscope people how thay wher chering harshly and thay cherd so....long i never heard that munch before in my life.At the same time i like how thay wide it and how thay make it look dumpy oo my god and fregot how it look slim also how it had a lot of action to it and it was happing at the same time it semd i whas mesing some thing when thay move in order that i keep on waching the vido but... i think it will be much better if i whas ther my self .With this in mind thay had to work on this fore days and nights that take some hard work i woud knot serviv a day it look's fun to do it i bet thay wher boiling in ther uniform .I like the part when the band is going to crass with a colorguard and thay did a collision.Who ever did the designed the routine shoud get exra credit on this marvilus preformance.

  58. I'm sorry but I do not think posting the same this twice counts!

  59. The show was so magnificent I would like to see it again.
    House Ostro

  60. This performance was visible and understanding with the uniform they had. As they made shapes and illusions, as they unify as one to make them. All of them were in symphony and had an ultramodern performance. They must of had unlocked a secret in this called team work. They sure were unhappy if they lost because of all their hard work. These musicians and flag people would supercede and do some supernumary actions. This video was amazing from the start and will always be.
    House Ponente

  61. This was an overachieving performance, it couldn't get any better with their magnificent, irregular, neolithic team work. Cavaliers is my new favorite thing and it will always have irrational magnification use of work. People should not be self-critical or be self-respected saying they can do this because I'm sure this took a lot of team work and practice.
