Friday, November 16, 2012

Trimester 1 Realm of the Four Winds Winner!

It was a tightly contested battle, but here is the final standings for Trimester 1.  Congratulations to House Tramontane, as their hard work was evidenced in having the highest GPA, and their participation was on full display in winning all three blog contests!  House Ostro was right on their heels, however, by regularly completing the most homework and earning the highest ranking during Mr. Vazquez's week of guest teaching.  Congratulations to House Scirocco for winning the "Best First Impression" award!
All the beans have been counted and convereted into points, which were then added to the in-class activity awards and blog contest points.
Here's the final shakedown:
1st: House Tramontane - 2086 points
2nd:  House Ostro - 2065 points
3rd: House Scirocco - 1962 points
4th: House Ponente - 1789 points

Keep working hard for Trimester 2, citizens, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!


  1. Congrats to House Traomontane, we worked really hard as a team and accomplished having the highest GPA.We also won all three of the blog contests.How were your donuts? I would also like to congratulate all of the other houses. House Ostro was only 30 beans from defeating house Tramontane. Thank you to House Scirocco and House Ponente for a challange, when we first started out, House Ponente had the highest grades, at least in 7th period. And finally thank you to Mr.Collins and Mr.Rouch to making the first trimester of Language arts the best classes I have ever had!

    Love, House Tramontane

  2. It's comments like H.B.M.'s above that are the reason this Realm has been created. Thank you so much for your kind words, but more importantly thank you for all the hard work and effort all members of the house have put in to ensure success! Citizens of Osro, Ponente, and Scirocco! Don't give up! There's so much more to fight for. Keep working hard and prepare for an amazing second trimester!
