Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Birthday to Mr. Collins!

It's a little known fact that Mr. Collins's birthday is the reason we get this whole week off from school, so please join Mr. Rouch in wishing him a happy cake day!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Trimester 1 Realm of the Four Winds Winner!

It was a tightly contested battle, but here is the final standings for Trimester 1.  Congratulations to House Tramontane, as their hard work was evidenced in having the highest GPA, and their participation was on full display in winning all three blog contests!  House Ostro was right on their heels, however, by regularly completing the most homework and earning the highest ranking during Mr. Vazquez's week of guest teaching.  Congratulations to House Scirocco for winning the "Best First Impression" award!
All the beans have been counted and convereted into points, which were then added to the in-class activity awards and blog contest points.
Here's the final shakedown:
1st: House Tramontane - 2086 points
2nd:  House Ostro - 2065 points
3rd: House Scirocco - 1962 points
4th: House Ponente - 1789 points

Keep working hard for Trimester 2, citizens, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Word Parts/Spelling List

A couple of you mentioned that you cannot find your blue 7th grade LA Handbook, so here's the word parts and spelling list for the entire year.

However, please keep in mind that we will still be using the handbook for the remainder of the school year, so you will be responsible for purchasing a replacement from the library.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Figurative Language Mini Book

Click here for instructions on how to make the mini books we created in class, then use the presentation below to fill your book out.

Mr. and Mrs. Rouch Had Their Baby!

Hopefully you noticed that there were guest teachers in Mr. Rouch's room last week.  That's because Rocky Michael David was born on Wednesday, November 7 at 12:57 AM! He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and he was 19 inches long.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Anti-bullying Talk Back!

Good Afternoon!

     This morning we were fortunate enough to experience an amazing assembly from professional Strongman and presenter Bud Jeffries that focused on strength and our ability to use it to do good and to help others.
      We saw some entertaining displays of great strength (just ask Mrs. Hodge) that showed us not only the power of our bodies, but the power of our minds as well.
     The most important message was that we all possess the inner strength necessary to be nice to others and to stand up to bullies, both for ourselves and for others who need our help.  The video below is a news story from Mississippi spotlighting Jeffries' work with a school there.

     Here is your opportunity to post your thoughts and reactions to Mr. Jeffries' performance and message, and to offer any personal lessons you have taken away from the experience.  As always, the House with the highest number and with the most insightful comments will earn a grand total of 100 bonus beans for its jar!

     The challenge has been extended!  Watch the video as a reminder before you get started, and don't forget to sign each comment with your initials and House name.  Good luck to all, and please encourage those who may not normally weigh in to offer their ideas.  They are ALL valuable!

     The contest ends on Monday, November 12th!  Once again, Good Luck and...

May the Winds be Ever at Your Back!

Mr. Collins and Mr. Rouch