Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Realm of the Four Winds Update!

Your hard work has been appreciated, and it has not gone unnoticed!  Here is the most up-to-date house grade averages:
1st:  House Ponente - 81.5%
2nd:  House Ostro - 80.2%
3rd:  House Tramontane - 80.1%
4th:  House Scirocco - 78.4%

Each house has been awarded "bonus beans" for their grade average rank, as follows:

1st place: 400 beans - House Ponente
2nd place: 300 beans - House Ostro
3rd place: 200 beans - House Tramontane
4th place:  100 beans - House Scirocco

So, after counting all of the beans in each house's jar, and then adding the bonus beans to the total, here is our current overall standings:

1st:  House Ostro - 1215 beans
2nd: House Ponente - 1164 beans
3rd:  House Scirocco - 1112 beans
4th:  House Tramontane - 1086 beans

Keep working hard, citizens, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!

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