Friday, September 28, 2012

School House Rock! Does Pronouns

Okay everyone! As promised earlier, here is the School House Rock pronouns song, "Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla"! So many great examples of personal pronouns in this one! Enjoy!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Summary Writing With "Zoom Broom!"

The CST Writing Test is fast approaching! There are now two summary slideshows available to help you prepare! Use them well! This is the step-by-step process for completing a summary, featuring the story "Zoom Broom" by Margie Palatini.  Use it as a refresher, or as a guide  while completing future assignments.

Mr. Collins' Duck Being Held Hostage

Ransom: One ice cold Dr. Pepper

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lesson 6 Flash Card Sentences

Here we go.  Please make sure you get your flash cards finished by Friday.
Download Flash Cards Rubric Lesson 6

"Seventh Grade" Plot Line

Here's our notes about some of the key plot elements in Gary Soto's short story "Seventh Grade."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nouns Test

Please read the gray directions carefully before selecting your answer.

Press "Submit" when you have finished.

Good luck!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lesson 5 Vocab

Okay citizens! Here are the Lesson 5 vocabulary words, parts of speech, definitions, and pictures! These need to be added to your notebooks in the four column format. Don't forget flashcards are due Friday the 21st, and the Lesson 5 word parts/vocab test will be next Wednesday the 26th!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Amazing Hand Animals

Think you're good at making hand animals?  Artist Guido Daniele takes it to a whole new level.

50 bonus beans to the house that can create the most sentences describing this awesome body art!


  • Each sentence must contain at least one vocab/spelling word from Lessons 1 through 5 (be creative!)
  • Submit each sentence as a separate comment to this post.
  • Make sure you leave your House's name in the comment.
  • The challenge will end Friday, September 28

Lesson 5 Flash Card Sentences

Huzzah!  We're back to 10 word parts this week!  Please complete Lesson 5's flash cards by Friday, September 21.

This week, you will be required to complete the blanks for each sentence with a context clue that helps you understand what the vocabulary word means.

For example, for the first card, I could write:

Mr. Hodder's plan to send potatoes to outer space was irrational because spuds can't fly space ships.

Good luck!
Download Flash Cards Rubric Lesson 5

Monday, September 17, 2012

Seventh Grade Plot Quiz

See if you can match the quote from "Seventh Grade" with the correct plot element!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Rouch!

On Thursday (Back to School Night day), Mr. Rouch turned 28. Mr. Collins' students wished him the best with a beautiful chorus!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Nouns - Plural vs. Possessive: From class 9/14/12

Here are the nouns we worked with in class today. If you missed anything or were absent, please make sure they all make it into your notes/notebooks. Keep an eye on those patterns!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back to School Night!

Welcome to Back to School Night!  We're looking forward to having an awesome year!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lesson 4 Vocab

Please write these down in your vocabulary journal by making 4 columns like the example below.

Lesson 4 Quizlet Flashcards

Master your word parts with Quizlet!  Study with the cards, then test yourself with the scatter game!

Realm of the Four Winds Update!

Your hard work has been appreciated, and it has not gone unnoticed!  Here is the most up-to-date house grade averages:
1st:  House Ponente - 81.5%
2nd:  House Ostro - 80.2%
3rd:  House Tramontane - 80.1%
4th:  House Scirocco - 78.4%

Each house has been awarded "bonus beans" for their grade average rank, as follows:

1st place: 400 beans - House Ponente
2nd place: 300 beans - House Ostro
3rd place: 200 beans - House Tramontane
4th place:  100 beans - House Scirocco

So, after counting all of the beans in each house's jar, and then adding the bonus beans to the total, here is our current overall standings:

1st:  House Ostro - 1215 beans
2nd: House Ponente - 1164 beans
3rd:  House Scirocco - 1112 beans
4th:  House Tramontane - 1086 beans

Keep working hard, citizens, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lesson 4 Flash Cards

Here it is folks, Lesson 4's flash card sentences.  Please notice that we have 12 cards to make this week, and don't forget to highlight your context clues.Download Flash Cards Rubric Lesson 4

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Collective Nouns - Board Work/Notes

Here is a definition and some great examples of collective nouns from our discussion in class on Tuesday! If you missed anything, feel free to catch up on your own, and don't hesitate to comment with any questions!

Lesson 3 Spelling/Vocab Words

Please put this week's spelling/vocabulary words in your vocab journal.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lesson 3 Flash Cards

Please use this help sheet to make sure you get all of your possible points on this week's flash cards.

Download Flash Cards Rubric - Lesson 3

Realm of the Four Winds Update!

It's a tight contest, but here is how the houses stand after our first bean count: 
1st:  House Scirocco - 658 beans
2nd:  House Ostro - 657 beans
3rd:  House Tramontane - 599 beans
4th: House Ponente - 572 beans

However, House Ponente is leading the way in the grade book thus far with a house average of 82.4%. Here's how the other houses shake up:
2nd:  House Scirocco - 82.0%
3rd:  House Ostro - 81.0%
4th:  House Tramontane - 79.4%

Keep working hard, citizens, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!