Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Flash Card Help!

Some of you were asking for help creating your flash cards, so I've attached this week's rubric. Each of your flash cards should have the following parts:


  • word part
  • picture


  • definition
  • 2 spelling/vocab words
  • Word part highlighted
  • Sentence (I've given you the sentences to use on the second page of the document)
  • Spelling/vocab word highlighted
  • Context clue highlighted in a different color
If you scroll to the second page of the document, I've even included a couple sample pictures of what your flash cards should look like!

Each card is worth 1 point, so if you have all the parts on all the cards, you'll get the full 10 points for the week.

Good luck!
Download Flash Cards Rubric - Lesson 2


  1. Have you ever tried digital flashcards? I create flashcards from my lecture notes and make my students study before class. My favorite site is, they support all kinds of web and mobile devices.

    1. Anonymous,

      Thanks for the digital flashcards tip. We have used Quizlet in the past, but "old school" paper flashcards are the only way we can guarantee our students can study the word parts at home, as some do not have internet access. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter (you can email us at Also, we tried visiting, but it was basically full of outbound links to other URLs. One of those links was to, which was a totally new site to the both of us. It looks very interesting. Is that the site you were referencing?
