Friday, August 31, 2012

Plot With Oktapodi

In books, movies, and TV, the plot is the series of events that form the main story.

Check out this short film, Oktapodi, and the slide show below it for an example of the six elements of plot.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School House Rock! Nouns

For those of you who know and love School House Rock, here is the noun song! Anyone who has never seen this, you need to watch to see more examples of nouns than you're likely to find in any other place! Okay, so grab your handbooks and sing along!

Lesson 2 Spelling/Vocab Words

Check out the definitions and pictures that go along with Lesson 2's spelling/vocab words!

Flash Card Help!

Some of you were asking for help creating your flash cards, so I've attached this week's rubric. Each of your flash cards should have the following parts:


  • word part
  • picture


  • definition
  • 2 spelling/vocab words
  • Word part highlighted
  • Sentence (I've given you the sentences to use on the second page of the document)
  • Spelling/vocab word highlighted
  • Context clue highlighted in a different color
If you scroll to the second page of the document, I've even included a couple sample pictures of what your flash cards should look like!

Each card is worth 1 point, so if you have all the parts on all the cards, you'll get the full 10 points for the week.

Good luck!
Download Flash Cards Rubric - Lesson 2

Context Clues and the World's Worst Video

On our flash cards this week, I will be giving you the 10 sentences to write on your 10 flash cards.

We will be highlighting the context clues that help us figure out what the word means.

Here's a video about what context clues are.  It may be the cheesiest video on the planet, but it does a really quick job of showing us how to find these context clues in any sentence.

Bear with me if you're brave!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Realm of the Four Winds

This year, each student in Mr. Collins and Mr. Rouch's Language Arts classes will be placed into one of the houses in the Realm of the Four Winds.

The houses will be competing against each other all year long for prizes and the right to be called Realm Champions!

House Spotlight: Scirocco

     Congratulations and welcome to the House! Blasting forth with the raging inferno of the Eastern Wind scream the courageous challengers of House Scirocco! Inspired by the majesty and absolute power of the African Lion, the members of this house use their influence to provide leadership through the positive example of their choices. Knowing that others value them and their opinions brings out the best in each member. It is with this inherent spirit of leadership that you take up the mantle and embark upon your year-long journey of discovery and self- expression. The challenges you are about to face will test your ability to be a productive and contributing member of a team, will dare you to reach beyond what you think you know in an effort to construct, test, and evaluate new ideas, and will, perhaps most importantly, simultaneously reveal and shape your true character as both a student and an active member of the House. Prepare, for the adventures you are fortunate enough to experience this year will establish and cement your lasting legacy as a founding member of...House Scirocco!

House Spotlight: Tramontane

     Congratulations and welcome to the House! Born on the Arctic breath of the frigid North Wind come the weathered warriors of House Tramontane! Inspired by the strength and independence of the solitary Polar Bear, the members of this house reach deep within to do whatever it takes to succeed. They know that ultimately, to tread the path to individual glory requires fortitude from within. It is with this tenacious spirit that you take up the mantle and embark upon your year-long journey of discovery and self-expression. The challenges you are about to face will test your ability to be a productive and contributing member of a team, will dare you to reach beyond what you think you know in an effort to construct, test, and evaluate new ideas, and will, perhaps most importantly, simultaneously reveal and shape your true character as both a student and an active member of the House. Prepare, for the adventures you are fortunate enough to experience this year will establish and cement your lasting legacy as a founding member of...House Tramontane!

House Spotlight: Ostro

        Congratulations and welcome to the House! Raging with the dense, steamy jungle South Wind charge the mighty masters of House Ostro! Inspired by the stealthy, agile cobra, members of this house use their mental dexterity to creatively solve problems and enlighten others with their findings. These free thinkers are never afraid to take a step away from the expected to reach a solution. It is with this spirit of curious exploration that you take up the mantle and embark upon your year-long journey of discovery and self-expression. The challenges you are about to face will test your ability to be a productive and contributing member of a team, will dare you to reach beyond what you think you know in an effort to construct, test, and evaluate new ideas, and will, perhaps most importantly, simultaneously reveal and shape your true character as both a student and an active member of the House. Prepare, for the adventures you are fortunate enough to experience this year will establish and cement your lasting legacy as a founding member of...House Ostro!

House Spotlight: Ponente

     Congratulations and welcome to the House! In the company of the Western Winds, screaming down the rugged mountains of the Pacific Northwest are the formidable forces of House Ponente! Inspired by the perseverance and tireless pursuits of the Forest Timberwolf, the members of this house stop at nothing to reach their goals. They also possess the ability to work together as a pack to complete tasks in the most efficient manner. It is in this collaborative spirit that you take up the mantle and embark upon your year-long journey of discovery and self-expression. The challenges you are about to face will test your ability to be a productive and contributing member of a team, will dare you to reach beyond what you think you know in an effort to construct, test, and evaluate new ideas, and will, perhaps most importantly, simultaneously reveal and shape your true character as both a student and an active member of the House. Prepare, for the adventures you are fortunate enough to experience this year will establish and cement your lasting legacy as a founding member of...House Ponente!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How LeBron Stays Focused

If you watched the NBA playoffs this year, you may have noticed that LeBron James was on fire.

How does he get his mind right before a big game?  Check out this video to see for yourself.