Friday, April 12, 2013

Trimester 2 Realm of the Four Winds Winners!

Behold the Realm's final standings for Trimester 2!  Congratulations to House Ostro, as their hard work was evidenced in having the highest GPA this trimester, as well as the highest homework completion percentage. 

All the beans have been counted and converted into points, which were then added to the in-class activity awards and blog contest points.

Here's the final standings for Tri 2:

1st:  House Ostro - 1123 points

2nd: House Scirocco - 1097 points
3rd: House Ponente - 1021 points

4th: House Tramontane - 1013 points

Keep working hard for our third and final Trimester, champions, and as always...

May the winds be forever at your back!