Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sentence Type Slide Show

As a review before we write for the state, here is a slideshow highlighting all the parts of each type of sentence. Still aren't sure what's in a complex sentence? Check this out to discover the answer!

Persuasive Writing Slideshow

As promised, here is the completed slide show from class today. Feel free to use this as an individual review as we get closer to the CST Writing test on the 5th.

Crossing the Wire - Chapter 13 Summary

Here's a quick presentation about how to write your summary for chapter thirteen of Crossing the Wire:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trimester 2 Final Review

Take these notes down and study them tonight before we start our Trimester 2 Final tomorrow!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Quick Strategies

Click here to go to today's lesson.  Once you've reached the site, complete the 3 reading comprehension activities.

FIRST:  Click "Begin Lesson"

SECOND:  Complete all 3 activities

THIRD: Read the "Wrap-up"